Four Tenets of Servant Leadership

Whether you are a Christian or not the story of Christmas is the story of God becoming man.  That is to say, you don’t have to believe the story is true to understand that this is what the story is all about.

I’m not really too surprised then that in this Christmas season I have found myself involved in several different conversations on what it means to be a servant leader. I know, I know, much has been written on the topic, some good, some not so good but from the conversations I’ve been fortunate to be a part of four particular themes have emerged.

Even if you only give credence to the Christmas story as historical fiction these four principals or tenets, examples of what it means to be a servant leader, are startlingly relevant today.

Tenet 1: It takes a leader
It amazes me how many people miss this and land on some very spongy, soft definition of servant leader. The phrase itself indicates a leader, modified by the word servant. This is NOT the servant who leads. This is a position of strength, of authority, not egotistically swung about like a cudgel but judiciously exercised on behalf of those being lead.

Read the narratives, the stories of Jesus life. From a young age he displayed leadership characteristics. As he grew into a man people followed him. He lead, and served those he lead.

If you don’t know how to lead you can’t be a servant leader.

Tenet 2: It takes commitment
Servant leadership is not a string of random acts to occasionally help someone out. It is a commitment to regularly set the needs of those you lead as primary. Not in some sort of socialistic/Mr. Spock “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” thing, but in a way that sacrifices self promotion in favor of people development.

Jesus went from being God to being man, not transformed into a full blown adult but born as a baby. That’s not a one time act. That’s not a string of wishful helps from a genie. That’s a commitment, probably a bigger commitment than we can even imagine.

We’re talking about a commitment to develop and grow those whom you lead.

Tenet 3: It takes proactive movement
The servant leader is not one who sits around and wits for his followers to make requests. He doesn’t stand at the proverbial door like a butler waiting for orders. The servant leader anticipates the needs and desires of those being lead and seeks to meet those needs. This isn’t a posture of gift giving benevolence but rather an anticipation of what will contribute towards growth, development, and the achievement of organizational goals.

Jesus didn’t stand next to the door as the disciples came in to the last supper and ask if he could wash their feet. “Foot wash today Simon? John? anyone?” He took the proactive step.

The servant leader doesn’t wait to react to a request. The servant leader proactively anticipates needs and meets them.

Tenet 4: It takes succession planning
If you’re going to commit to helping people develop and grow you’ve got to have a target of some kind in mind. Whether you are growing YOUR successor or growing folks who can move up into other positions in your organization you’re growing people in a direction.

Jesus didn’t show up, do his thing, and bail. He grow up some guys who could further His efforts after He’d gone. He was quite intentional about preparing them for the role. In fact, in an interesting twist, the less you believe in Jesus as the Son of God, the more you have to believe that the disciples did a great job growing a religious movement beyond the guy who trained them! In either case Jesus was quite the succession planner.

The servant leader doesn’t just grow an organization. She grows the people who will continue to grow the organization after she is gone.

At the end of the day it is about heart, you can’t adhere to these tenets over time without a heart commitment. Lead, commit, move proactively and take your people to the next level. Watch what happens. You might just change the world.

Have you ever had a leader who exemplified these tenets? What did that look like?

The Christmas Wrap: Luke 2

picture courtesy of steppelandstock at deviantart.comA number (OK, a pretty large number) of years ago my brothers and I were asked to “put together a rap” for a Christmas program at church. We decided we’d try to stay as true to the text as possible, obviously taking some poetic license as you’ll see, so for grins you might want to open your Bibles to Luke chapter 2.

OK folks I’m gonna take a shot
I’m gonna tell you what it is and what is not
We’re gonna take a little trip back in time
To when the Roman Empire was in its prime

Now in this days there went out a decree
Telling everybody where they had to be
The Roman emperor Cesar was on people’s backs
And wanted to be sure that everyone was taxed
And so in order to be counted everybody had to come
Unto the city that their ancestors were from

A Galilean named Joseph from Nazareth
Went to Judea to the city of David Beth-
lahem was the place that he had to sign
Because he was a descendant of David’s line
And he took with him his wife to be
And you know that her name was Mary

Now Mary was a virgin but she was with child
A lot of people today think that that sounds wild
But it was not strange bizarre or odd
She was the chosen human mother of the son of God

But getting back to the story of Joseph and Mare
They went to Bethlehem and when they got there
You know it seemed that Mary’s time had come
And that then and there she’s gonna have a son
But since the inn was full they had no place to stay
so she laid the baby Jesus down in the hay

Now in that region watching over their flocks
There were some shepherds in the fields eating bagels and lox
When a glorious angel of the Lord appeared
And as the glory shone around them they were filled with fear

“Be not afraid for I bring good news”
“Of great joy to all people both Gentiles and Jews”
“For unto you is born today in Bethlehem”
“The savior Christ the Lord”, the angel said to them
“And this to you shall be a sign”
“that the baby you might more easily find”
“He shall be laying in a manger in swaddling clothes”
The shepherds looked around and said, “what are those?”
And then suddenly and amazing thing
A multitude of angels began to sing

They “appeared to the shepherds in the sky
Singing glory to god in the highest
And on earth peace among men
Because the Lord most High is pleased with them”

Now when the angels had finished the shepherds turned
They went to Bethlehem because of what they learned
And I think you’re gonna know just what I mean
When I say that this was the nativity scene
It was the Bethlehem stable where the shepherds went
Along with three wise men from the orient
The three kings had brought frankincense and myrrh
And I’m not really sure what those things were
But that’s really not important but neither is
Santa Clause Rudolph and all that biz

The real deal of Christmas is that it shows
God’s love for us because he chose
To send to us his only son
To make salvation possible for everyone

Hope you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas!

Three Pitfalls to Avoid in Preparing Corporate Communications

The forecast said the year ahead would be a fairly decent one. At the annual get-people-excited-about-the-year-to-come-all-company-meeting the senior sales exec gave a rousing speech all about the specific product lines that would be the tip of the spear for growth in the coming year. He had great market research information, forecast and pipeline data, and competitive analysis to back up his strategy. He wanted the troops to get excited about what they could achieve. The meeting finished on a high note and there was an n excited buzz in the room as the folks disbanded. It seemed the speech had done the trick, until the following day.

The support team called a meeting to discuss when they would be announcing end of the life on the product lines that hadn’t been discussed. That information wasn’t readily available so several more meetings were needed to get it, and then to try to formulate a strategy from it.

Account managers started asking for details on what they should tell customers who were on some of the product lines that were now “out of focus”. They needed to know if there was a migration path that would be made available to the product lines that were the new focus and so multiple meetings were called

Developers and technologists on the lines not mentioned were honing resumes and querying other groups to see if they had openings. HR suddenly felt the need to meet to discuss what seemed like unrest in product groups that had always been stable.

After two weeks of churn and close to two-dozen “what do we do now” meetings the senior sales exec called another company wide meeting. He explained that there were NO plans to retire ANY product lines but that the coming year would see additional focus on the lines previously mentioned. No one was at risk for losing a job, no customers needed to be given bad news, and no support policies needed to be changed. This time the meeting ended in relief, if not mild annoyance.

Sadly this is a true story. The staff at Dynamic Communicators was asked to come in and provide communications training to help this company avoid the madness in the future.  I’m not sure if we ultimately achieved that goal or not because, while we did meet with a couple of groups, the executives didn’t think they needed help.

Even sadder is the fact that this sort of thing happens all the time and being diligent to look out for three pitfalls in corporate communicating could easily squelch half of it.

Pitfall #1: FYI-tis

Giving information is great. We all like to be informed. At the end of the day people care much more about “why” they should know something than they do about the “what”. Just passing information without a word as to why you’re passing it, FYI, leaves people to interpret the “why” on their own. As seen in the case above that interpretation may be quite different than what was intended. If you find yourself saying, “but they need to know this” without answering “why” in the next sentence you’re at risk of falling into the pit.

Pitfall #2: Confusing Content and Context

In the case above the senior sales exec thought he’d rouse the troops by providing strategic forward thinking based on the numbers by which he lived everyday.  He’d interpreted the data and presented it at the annual get-psyched meeting, a context in which people expected to get direction for the coming year. By giving incomplete information based on an FYI approach the meeting spawned two weeks of unnecessary mania. The context in his head was not the context of the meeting. Ask yourself what the audience is expecting in the context of the presentation.

Pitfall #3:  Audience Amnesia or Passion sans Perspective

In the example above the senior sales exec presented with passion. He had good, exciting information and he wanted to share it but he forgot that the audience almost always starts from the perspective of “what’s in it for me?” Unless you know what your audience is looking for you can’t address their need, you can’t answer the question “why” am I giving this information from the audiences perspective. Oh, you can answer it for yourself, you know why you want to GIVE it but that may not be why they want to receive it. What is the need that they have that your information meets?

You have the info, the 411, you know you need to pass it along, whether in a meeting or an email, or a white paper. Start by asking yourself why, why does my audience need this? Then pause and check their contextual expectation, what do they expect out of the context in which they’ll receive this information? Then pause again and ask why, why would THEY say they’re interested in this information? What is THEIR purpose for listening?

Answer these questions BEFORE you deliver the info and you’ll find you’ve wended your way successfully through the pitfalls.

What’s the worst you’ve experienced? How could the problem have been solved by better preparation?

A salute to winter

I confess I do not enjoy winter. I am definitely a summer person. That being said, there are those rare winter days when it all comes together. This is a salute to THOSE days.

Dawn Patrol

The sun rode low in the eastern sky and chased the midnight blue
He rousted, climbing slowly up to start the day anew
He fired the horizon’s edge and woke a billion gems
White diamonds blazing brilliantly like royal diadems
The air was crisp and shimmering as if but freshly born
A whisper would be heard for miles on such a winter’s morn
When out into this wonderland we would be heroes came
Our voices hushed in reverence we faced the morning flame
Our noses beamed a frozen red and red shone each ones cheeks
And yet we paid no heed for we had watched for this for weeks
As hounds who leap at a foxes scent we quick took up the trail
With heads bent low we forged ahead through winter’s deep travail
Our breath like locomotive steam ensconced our heads in mist
Each icy inhalation brought my lips a frozen kiss
Disdaining words we would not taint the morning’s holy glow
We summited the peak and found our quarry down below
Eluding us all summer, deftly dodging through the fall
The wily foe below us would soon kneel as our thrall
We glanced at one another, to the heavens gave a nod
Then grimly smiled solemnly like frozen mountain gods
My heartbeat quickened feverishly as we prepared our gear
The time had come for which we three had longed almost a year
With practiced skill we took our aim, as one we three let fly
With gaping mouths we loosed our hot and steaming battle cry
Adrenaline swelled my throbbing veins as down the hill we flew
I laughed aside the chilling blades that towards our faces blew
We hit the ramp at fatal speed, into the air we dashed
A pillowed landing far below, the blinding powder splashed
And in that instant we were kings, brave conquerors we three
For we had braved perdition’s hill and flown amongst the trees
We sat there proud and laughed aloud, bold monarchs on our thrones
And praised the builders of those chairs, Goodyear and Firestone.
 What is your fondest childhood winter memory?

Christmas in Three Acts – Act 3: Herod

The third of three Christmas season monologues. This one once again uses the on stage screen to display the lines of a second character thus putting the audience members in the place of that character.

For Herod I used an accent similar to something generically middle eastern. Pick almost any local character from any film about the crusades.

Feel free to use any of these monologues as you have need! Merry Christmas.

<Graphic on screen:” Your Highness?”>

<reading from an imaginary scroll, holding up a hand> A moment…<putting down the scroll> Yes Shimri, what news of the easterners?

<Graphic on screen: ” Forgive me your highness but…they have left the kingdom”>

 <frowning> My instructions were clear were they not? Did I not tell them to find this child and report back to me? Were they not shown the courtesy of MY palace coming begging at my door looking for this ….how did they put it…he who was to be born king of the Jews? They defy me in my own kingdom, seeking their would be usurper?

<growing angry> King of the jews?!?! I am Herod…THE GREAT.

<losing it> I am king of the Jews!!!!!

<pacing, growing slowly cold and calculating>

 <Graphic on screen: “Yes, my king.”>

They claim to have seen signs these…astrologers…and yet my own wise-men do not deny that it may be so. Whether or not it is true there will be others who will follow after these three, others who share their …belief. And then what will happen? If they were to somehow manage to bring their belief to bare fruit, where would we be then? Unrest? Rebellion? Death? And where would that lead, an upstart king who has no knowledge of the delicate balance we must maintain with Rome. No, no…not that. I must protect my people. I must protect my throne…MY throne.

<paces a moment more then pauses as though struck by an idea>

 Shimri, you are a scribe and I see you carry your scrolls with you today. Good, good…read to me the passage concerning Pharaoh and the Hebrew mid-wives, I believe you know the one.

<Graphic on screen:The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other Puah, “When you act as midwives to the Hebrew women, and see them on the birthstool, if it is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, she shall live.” But the midwives feared God; they did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but they let the boys live.” >

<listening, then holding up a hand>

 You see Shimri we shall not make the same mistake. If this usurper is to be a king, then it stands to reason it is a male child. But we shall entrust this duty to soldiers, not to simple midwives. As it is written…so shall it be done.


Herod’s perspective on the birth of Jesus was obviously self centered and self serving, something we can all to easily fall into ourselves. Picking him as the third of the three characters was the choice of the pastor doing the teaching but it made for an interesting change in perspective from the traditional conversations about the nativity.

How might looking at Christmas through someone else’s point of view help you clarify your own?

Christmas in Three Acts – Act 2: The Innkeeper

This is the second of three monologues on the Christmas story. In this one I chose to use the on stage screen to represent a second character’s part of the conversation thus putting the audience in the place of that character. From the response we received that mechanism worked pretty well.

Simeon here is probably best done with a rather stereotypical Jewish accent.

<Graphic on screen: ”Good day Simeon…”>

<looking up from imaginary set of “books” or real set of “scrolls”> Ah, Mathias, trust a tax collector to be on time. <chuckling> I have prepared the records from the last month for your review. I believe you’ll find them all to be in order as usual.

<flipping through a page or two>

You can see here that things have returned to normal after the crowds we had for the census. <shaking his head> While I do not begrudge the money to be made from such crowds it was a busy time indeed. If only Jesse and his sons had lived anywhere other than Bethlehem, perhaps then we would have seen an increase in business without the entire town overflowing.

<Graphic on Screen: “Yes, the home of the line of David, the shepherd king.”>

<Groaning, rolling his eyes> Ah you have done it now Matthias…reminding me of shepherds….<shaking his head> Do you know Mathias, that a flock of shepherds actually smells worse than a flock of sheep? <flipping through the pages> Yes, here it is, the last night before the official census was to begin.

A young couple comes to my door as evening is falling, obviously weary from the road. I am run off my feet as it were trying to keep up with my guests when they arrive looking for a room. Can I tell you Mathias I almost laughed. A room? In Bethlehem? That night?

<holding up his hands>Buuuut….I am not an unkind man Mathias as you well know, and the young girl appeared ready to burst with child soooooo…I offered them the hospitality of my stable. <chuckling> Do not look at me so. They were in need and I did not charge them….much. <pointing to the books>

I thought nothing of it…that is until later that night.

I awoke, not from any particular sound but from a sense of something of import happening…that is the best way I can describe it to you Mathias. I knew there was something afoot. I dressed quickly and checked the guest rooms. I thought next to check the beasts when I remembered the young couple.

<frowns>Imagine my surprise Mathias when I go out back to my stables to find a veritable flock of shepherds bobbing like chickens around the door. The smell was almost too much to approach but I managed to get the attention of one of the men on the edge of the crowd only to be told a fantastic tale about the birth of the child.


You know Mathias I believe that too much time spent with sheep makes a man as dumb as one…King David not withstanding…

<Graphic on screen: “I have heard the tale”>

<Second graphic on screen “They say the child is the messiah”>

 <nodding> Then you too have heard the foolishness!! Imagine, the messiah, born in a barn, sleeping in a feed trough!! And these shepherds actually believed the tale!!! Some story about an angel, or an army, appearing and telling them it was so. And Mathias, they stayed all night!! Worse yet they went through the dark streets of out little town telling others, many of whom came to see for themselves.

<Graphic on screen “You do not believe their tale?”>

<laughing> Mathias, I am business man! What time do I have to spend on the superstitions of some wandering herdsmen who probably inhaled too much smoke from a dung laden fire and imagined the whole thing?

<shaking his head>No my friend. I saw the child. He looked as other new-borns…gangly, messy, odd shaped head. I congratulated the couple of the birth of their son…but that is all it was. And, as my gift to them, I did not even charge them for the use of the stable and the loss of a night’s sleep.

<considering, pouting a moment> Annnnd if it should turn out I am wrong perhaps “the messiah”  will remember kind Simeon who let his parents stay for no charge. <laughing> Perhaps he will even pay for the night himself!!

Of course, then you would charge me the taxes…either way I lose.


Simeon missed it. What are you don’t this holiday season to help assure that you don’t “miss it”?

Christmas in Three Acts – Act 1: The Shepherds

Several years ago I was asked to write, and perform, three monologues in preparation for Christmas. The idea was to capture the story of Jesus birth from the perspective of some of the participants. This is the fist of those three acts.

The setting is a Bethlehem street just outside the stable. When I played the part I gave the shepherd the voice of Watto, the junk dealer who owned Anakin and his mother in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. I wanted him to come across rustic and rough around the edges.


The Gospel According to Luke

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ[1] the Lord. 12This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
13Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”
15When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”
16So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.


Come my friend, come. <stepping forward, then pulling an imaginary person aside>

You want to know what is happening here tonight I think, eh? Come aside and I shall tell you a tale almost too amazing to believe but I swear to you it is all true.

Tonight we were in the fields as usual, tending to the sheep. Because it is the lambing season there are more us of watching the flocks at night. But it is a comfortable camp as camps go, eh?  May Yaweh-Rohi strike me down if it is not as I say.

Tonight we were preparing for the second watch as usual, some waking, some preparing to sleep, others sleeping soundly, or so the sound of their snoring would make it seem, when suddenly there was a brilliant light…lighting the camp as though it was day…it seemed the light of a thousand camp fires had descended into our midst. And there in the middle of the light stood the most fearsome man you have ever seen, clad in white fire and golden armor.

Men began to run in every direction, some loosed their slings into the light as though a stone could hurt that one, eh? All were afraid, yes, even I, Gazez Ben-Hesed <Gah-zeez’  Ben Heh’-sed> was afraid. The camp was in a panic….all but the sheep…they just stared into the light. Sheep, eh?

No, my friend it is true…and what did this apparition say to us you ask? He said “Do not be afraid”. Pfffft….simple enough to say when you are holding a sword and surrounded by the light of the sun.. but…as soon as he had said it I felt the fear drain out of me, all of us did, and we came closer to hear what he would say next.

He told us, <in an alternate ‘angel’ voice>“I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” <abner voice>Even as he said the word I felt joy lightening my heart <angel voice etc.>Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christthe Lord.” At this my heart began to pound. The messiah? Born now? In Bethlehem? So close? “This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” At this some began to laugh. The messiah, in a manger? Well then he had better be wrapped in cloth or the animals will get to him.

But before the laughter could die on their lips the field was FULL of warriors, clad as this man and what did they do then eh? This magnificent army? They began to sing my friend, they began to sing…<emphatic> SUCH singing you have never heard!!!! My heart leapt at the sound, I felt that it would burst in my chest. But then suddenly they were gone and in their absence we felt the world stand still. <conspiratorially, nodding towards the stable>

To tell you the truth my friend I believe it was in that moment the child was born eh?

There is no need to tell you we were excited, though some were still skeptics…”Let us go and see this thing we said” <pause, becoming, thoughtful, reverent>

My friend that army of warriors I told you of…they were indeed angles, may Yaweh strike me if it is not so….and the child? He is indeed the messiah as you can see. For did not the angels proclaim his birth?

<shaking head, coming back to the moment in the story>

As I said some STILL did not believe even after all we had seen and heard, but still they were willing to come look for themselves. <waving a hand to indicate the group> Some are still here but the others have gone through the town telling this tale for having seen the child even the skeptics now believe.

<moving back towards the manger as though pulling the new comer along for a better look> Come my friend see for yourself…it is the lambing season and a little one has been born here tonight…come along, come…let us adore him…


What do you think it would have been like to be one of the shepherds on that night 2000 years ago?






Three Steps to Spiritual Hydration

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you drink and drink and drink but can’t seem to slake your thirst? Typically you wake up and find out you were REALLY thirsty in real life and THAT is why you couldn’t fix it in your dream.
I think I woke up a bit this morning. I realized that in real life I am spiritually thirsty.  Perhaps it was the fact that the message was spot on this morning at church. Perhaps its because the last three or four weeks have been jam packed with stress on just about very level.  Whatever the cause the experience of “waking up thirsty” reminded me of a few things this morning:
  • Spiritual thirst sneaks up on you. You typically don’t even know you’re thirsty until refreshment catches you by surprise. The truth is we typically wind up spiritually dehydrated before we even knew we needed a drink.
  • Spiritual thirst affects our vision. It becomes the lens through which we view life. We didn’t put the glasses on but our vision is shaded all the same.
  • Spiritual thirst affects all of our relationships. Because it shades what we see it shades how we think, act, and feel and THAT rubs off on the people around us.
So how do you beat something that insidious? If I don’t even know I am thirsty how can I ever expect to drink enough to satisfy it? Allow me to suggest three steps to spiritual hydration.
Step One: Guzzle, don’t sip.
What is it that wakes up your soul? Is it a particular piece of music? A picture, a place, or spending time with a particular person perhaps?  As we come into the heart of the Christmas season there will be stressors and time demands enough to distract even the most spiritually diligent of us. So go to your favorite passage of scripture, your favorite carol, or your favorite Christmas tradition. Seek it out and take the time to relish it, to drink deeply of it.
Remember, the trouble with spiritual thirst is that we don’t know we’re thirsty until we get a drink. But that single drink that identifies thirst isn’t enough to quench it so when you take that first drink be prepared to drink deeply and repeatedly.
Step Two:  Look beyond the cup. 
That thing that you identified in step one is really the cup from which you’ll start to drink your spiritual refreshment. As with real thirst it isn’t the cup that satisfies, it is the contents.  So in the spiritual sense you need to ask yourself what is it that the cup is pointing me towards? What is it that my soul is thirsting after?
Step Three: Identify the cause.
Most of us would probably be surprised at just how close we are to physical dehydration. That’s because we drink beverages that don’t truly hydrate: coffee, soft drinks, beer, wine…good drink that may even temporarily satisfy thirst but don’t hydrate.
The only way to truly spiritually rehydrate is to discover what it is that is making us thirsty. What are we drinking in that leads us to think we’re satisfied?
Find a minute this week to take a spiritual drink for it is only by drinking that we discover we’re thirsty. Drink deeply and attend to that for which your soul thirsts. Pause just long enough to discover what it is that is contributing to your thirst…then go back to the top and drink again, and again.
What are the cups that hold spiritual refreshment for you? What is it that your soul thirsts after?

10 Leadership Responses

It’s been a long week. For some reason this week almost everyone I know has been posting pithy quotes on their Facebook status. In response to this rash of pith, i offer my hastily compiled top ten responses to leadership quotes:

1.”You manage things; you lead people”                         

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

From the rear apparently…

2.”Success for leadership is . . . knowing the great art of directing others without their noticing it.”



3. “Consensus is the negation of leadership.”

Margaret Thatcher                                                                            

All in favor say ‘aye’?

4. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

John C. Maxwell

Or was that a cab driver?

5. “Leadership is diving for a loose ball, getting the crowd involved, getting other players involved. It’s being able to take it as well as dish it out. That’s the only way you’re going to get respect from the players.”

Larry Bird

Unless you’re a ball girl at Wimbleton …

6. “Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people.”

John D. Rockefeller

And paying them minimum wage…

7. “There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. Everything else is number two. “

Bertolt Brecht

I’d agree, most things in a campaign ARE number two

8. “Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Harold R. McAlindon

Unless you’re in a national park…

9. “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower

A la Tom Sawyer

10. “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

But truly brilliant minds conjure the ideas the drive the events that astound the people

Got some to add? Please share with the class.

Men and Women: part 3

I love Photoshop. I have spent hours on the sidelines of my sons’ games watching through a camera. Caleyn’s dance recitals and rehearsals all get captured as well. The real fun comes when I capture something worth playing with in Photoshop.

A couple years back Nathan was playing in a soccer tournament against a local rival team. One kid in particular, a kid he played against in club and in high school season, was being…something particularly annoying that sounds a lot like a feminine hygiene product. Nate had really kept his cool until the game was winding towards a close. A ball came their direction in the air and in the scramble to get a head on the ball Nate seized his opportunity to commit a, as it is often referred to in soccer, “professional foul”.

The beauty was he delivered pure Photoshop gold  at a range of only about ten yards away from dad and his camera! (No one was injured in the making of this picture.)

We call this picture Ginger Splash.

The other night I sat down to do what should have been some quick Photoshop dabbling. I found the shot I wanted on my computer and clicked the usual “open with” Photoshop. Nothing happened. I copied the picture and tried to “open new” in Photoshop. Nothing. I tried closing and re-opening Photoshop. “Error: disc full”

What followed was 45 minutes of troubleshooting, memory configuring, computer re-starting, re-installation considering madness!! By the time I finally got it working correctly I was so mentally ruffled that I no longer had the motivation to dabble. The mojo was gone. The system, so nicely designed to serve my needs and so normally adept at doing so, had failed me.

So what does this all have to do with our recent discussion on Men and Women? Plenty.

My contention is that men are designed as illustrations of God’s justice and therefore are designed to be dangerous.  Women, as illustrations of God’s grace are designed to be beautiful. What I want to draw your attention to here is not that what…the dangerous and the beautiful, but the why…it is by design. It is how we were meant to be. What we were made to function like. an inherent part of our total purpose. This is NOT a “you ought to be” , rather this is a clear “you were made to be.”

That is critical. Examine any system that “functions as designed” and several truths emerge instantly.

When a system if functioning as designed it Executes Smoothly

Our microwave is on the fritz. After some fidgeting I got it to work this evening. Normally though I walk up, but in the food, push minimal buttons, let cool and eat. I don’t even think about it. It serves the function it is intended to serve and makes life a little easier.

How much of your life is executed smoothly? Most of us are constantly wondering “why we’re here” or “what is the right thing to do”. But if we were functioning as designed in the areas of danger and beauty then might we not find that the circumstances that lead to us asking those questions might start to fall into alignment?

When a system if functioning as designed it Conserves Energy

How many times have you approached a computer, a dvd player, or a microwave intending to accomplish some simple task only to find the system not working? Frustration rises, the minimal energy that might have gone into accomplishing a task, watching a movie, or cooking up some popcorn now balloons into significant expenditure of energy trying to figure out what is wrong.

The same is true for us. When we function as designed we conserve energy. We use less energy on the system stuff and have it available for bigger ticket use.

When a system if functioning as designed it Fosters Creativity

Photoshop mojo, gone in the face of system frustration. When we’re in the groove, functioning as designed we actually become more creative. “Created in god’s image” then takes on the additional attribute of us becoming miniature creators! According to legend C.S. Lewis, a theologically dangerous dude, and J.R.R. Tolkien postulated a heaven where God allowed the worlds they’d created in their fictional works to actually come to life! Talk about the pinnacle of creative coolness!

When the systems executes smoothly and thus conserves energy we get to move outside the box rapidly. We get to expand the possibilities. We get to move beyond mundane circumstance and move toward new envisioned realities that may never have occurred to us as when we were struggling to make this thing called life work right.

In what practical ways to you need to get your system working? How can you move in the direction of being more dangerous or more beautiful right now, today?